I entered the clinic, the nurses greeted me like an old friend and made
me feel right at home. Paper towel was placed around the arm-holes of
my blouse and my underarm area was cleaned with an alcohol wipe. A cool
gel was then applied and the soprano laser was used to burn whatever
remaining hair roots that escaped the first treatment.

The procedure was very fast, around 10-minutes or less and completely painless. A feeling of mild heat was felt in the area but that was negligible.
Afterwards the nurses cleaned the gel and applied a gentle moisturizer to the area and I was ready to head off to do some GSS shopping!
I seriously love this machine as you can see results after just one session and it is pain free and fuss free and best of all permanent!
more information about the procedure, check out my first post where I
get a bit technical, explaining how laser hair removal and IPL differ.
more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Dr. Aaron
Pang at The Sainte Chapelle Clinic, #B1-10, Marina Square. 6 Raffles
Boulevard, S039594. Tel: 63363128. http://stchapelleclinic.com/
My next session is a week away so stay tuned for more updates!