Hair, hair everywhere, except where I would rather have it be...
is nothing more off-putting than a hairy woman. As sexist as it may
sound, I do believe that if a woman wants to wear short skirts and
sleeveless tops, she should ensure that she is hair-free in those areas,
simply for hygienic, if not aesthetic reasons.
usually resort to shaving and epilating my underarms, but I wanted to
find a permanent solution for my unwanted hair. I really didn’t like how
my underarms looked darker after shaving and how I couldn’t apply
deodorant directly after, and that’s how I came across SopranoXL.
SopranoXL is completely painless and safe for even those with tanned or
darker skin tones, unlike IPL which can cause burns. This is because IPL
devices emit non‑coherent polychromatic light and although the
wavelength can be adjusted with filters, the spectrum is too broad and
they don’t offer sufficient precision. While laser hair removal on the
other hand uses “selective photothermolysis” through a device that makes
light converge into a narrow beam with a single wavelength - making it
more stable, measured and focussed.
some basic science to explain how they both work to kill unwanted hair:
lasers and IPL use photoepilation to kill unwanted hair follicles by
converting light rays to heat in order to “burn” the hair follicle
without injuring the skin. The rays target the melanin that pigments the
hair. Unlike those of us with fair skin, those with darker skin contain
melanin in both their hair and skin - this means, darker skinned folk
require high‑precision devices that can distinguish between melanin in
the hair and melanin in the skin, or they could get burned.
this experiment, I will be having five sessions of Soprano at The
Sainte Chapelle Clinic with Aesthetic Doctor Aaron Pang, to see if all
the hype about this machine is well deserved. I had my first session on
the 14th
of May and two weeks later, my underarm hair growth has reduced
tremendously. I only have to shave once a week and it remains perfectly
hair-free for the whole week or more.
you are interested in ridding your hair from problem areas, seven
sessions of SopranoXL for the underarms at The Sainte Chapelle Clinic is
priced at $2300 (before GST), although the doctor usually recommends an
eighth complimentary touch-up session to ensure permanent hairless-ness.
will be undergoing a session every month from May till September 2013
and will post an update after each session to give you an idea on what
to expect, how it feels and if its worth the investment. Today’s post is
a bit wordy and scientific, only because I want you to understand why I
chose SopranoXL over the more common and much cheaper IPL and why you
should perhaps consider doing so too. In my next post, I will take you
through the procedure and give you tips on what you should and should
not do before the procedure.
more information, contact Dr. Pang or his very helpful staff at The
Sainte Chapelle Clinic, #B1-10, Marina Square. 6 Raffles Boulevard,
S039594. Tel: 63363128.
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